Actually, no. The order makes no difference. Index is always applied 
"last" no matter where it is specified in the arguments.


Michael Hwee wrote:
> There is high important to less important in multiple attributes search.
> In your case, you have    ie.text_field(:index => 2 , :name => "q")
> To us, it means
> - find text_field with index=2
> - comfirm that it also has name='q'
> So, no wonder you are getting non_existance error if you have other 
> text_fields with no 'q' as name.
> Correct way is: ie.text_field(:name => "q", :index => 2)
> ----- Original Message ----
> From: Isabel <>
> To: Watir General <>
> Cc:
> Sent: Sunday, March 22, 2009 10:20:19 PM
> Subject: [wtr-general] Multiple Attributes for Input Elements
> Hi,
> I tried to use the code below to set a value in the text box of the
> google search page.
> require 'watir'
> ie.goto "";
> ie.text_field(:index => 2 , :name => "q").set("xyz")
> But I receive an error which is:
>> ruby testmultiAttri.rb
> c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/element.rb:52:in
> `assert_exists': Unable to locate element, using
> {:index=>2, :name=>"q"} (Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException)
>     from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/element.rb:
> 284:in `enabled?'
>     from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/element.rb:
> 56:in `assert_enabled'
>     from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/
> input_elements.rb:323:in `set'
>     from testmultiAttri.rb:4
>> Exit code: 1
> Please do let me know where I am going wrong.
> The text box gets identified correctly if I use any one of the two
> attributes.
> Thanks and Regards.
> On Feb 7, 9:51 pm, Charley Baker <> wrote:
>> Multiple attributes for input elements are now supported in the latest
>> version of Watir - 1.6.2. The wiki has also been updated.
>> Charley Baker
>> blog:
>> Lead Developer, Watir,
>> QA Architect, Gap Inc Direct
>> On Fri, Feb 6, 2009 at 11:20 PM, Vens <>wrote:
>>> Hi:
>>> I just started using Watir for automating few web UIs. During this I
>>> came across a situation where I had to put in data to a text field but
>>> incidently there are 2 text boxes having the same name. Please look at
>>> the snippet below:
>>> <div class="boxed">
>>> <h3 class="title"> Authorize NG IDs </h3>
>>>  <form action="" method="post" name="sAFrm">
>>>   <input type="hidden" value="authorize" name="dispatch"/>
>>>   <table>
>>>  <tbody>
>>>        <tr>
>>>        <td colspan="2"><div class="infomark"> You can enter comma
>>> separated multiple ngids </div></td>
>>>        </tr>
>>>        <tr>
>>>              <th> MID </th>
>>>              <td> <select size="1" name="mid"></select></td>
>>>       </tr>
>>>        <tr>
>>>              <th> NG IDs </th>
>>>               <td><input type="text" value="" size="100"
>>> maxlength="200"
>>> name="ngids"/></td>
>>>       </tr>
>>> </tbody>
>>> </table>
>>> </form>
>>> </div>
>>> <div class="boxed">
>>> <h3 class="title"> Authorize NG IDs </h3>
>>>  <form action="" method="post" name="sAFrm">
>>>   <input type="hidden" value="unauthorize" name="dispatch"/>
>>>   <table>
>>>  <tbody>
>>>        <tr>
>>>        <td colspan="2"><div class="infomark"> You can enter comma
>>> separated multiple ngids </div></td>
>>>        </tr>
>>>        <tr>
>>>              <th> MID </th>
>>>              <td> <select size="1" name="mid"></select></td>
>>>        </tr>
>>>        <tr>
>>>              <th> NG IDs </th>
>>>               <td><input type="text" value="" size="100"
>>> maxlength="200"
>>> name="ngids"/></td>
>>>       </tr>
>>> </tbody>
>>> </table>
>>> </form>
>>> </div>
>>> When I looked into
>>> said it is not implemented for input elements.  Can you help me solve
>>> this.
>>> Regards
>>> Venu
> >

Bret Pettichord
CTO, WatirCraft LLC,
Lead Developer, Watir,

Watir Training: Austin March 25-26, Portland/Beaverton April 16-17

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