I tried using multiple attributes (the src and the id) for the image i
wanted to click on, but it gave an error that could not find object,
though when these attributes used individually the image gets clicked.

Thanks and Regards.

On Feb 11, 12:39 pm, Alex Collins <a.j.collins...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Several options, the simplest of which is to use theimagemethod.
> web_browser.image( :src, /plus.gif/ ).click
> You may need to use xpath ormultipleattributesto get the second or  
> thirdimage.
> Hope this helps.
> Alex
> On 10 Feb 2009, at 23:44, rollo <croll...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hello, Watir Folks.  I've been banging my head for a bit on a test
> > step.  I'm hoping someone can see what I'm missing.
> > I have a simple app that displays a navigation tree.  I need to expand
> > one of the "nodes" so I can select a sub-folder.
> > Here is a snippet of the HTML code that Watir sees.
> > "<SPAN class=treelabel id=label-NULL*Po*Portfolio*1*-99999-ms__id4
> > onmouseover=\"this.className=this.className + 'Hover'\" title=\"Agile
> > Projects\" onmouseout=\"this.className=this.className.replace('Hover',
> > '')\" type=\"plabel\" NodeId=\"NULL*Po*Portfolio*1*-99999\"
> > ParentNodeId=\"\">Agile Projects</SPAN>
> > </DIV>\r\n
> > <DIV class=\"toolTipTarget container\" id=container-
> > NULL*Po*Portfolio*1*-99999-ms__id4 style=\"DISPLAY: block; MARGIN-
> > LEFT: 36px\" type=\"container\" NodeId=\"NULL*Po*Portfolio*1*-99999\"
> > ParentNodeId=\"\">\r\n
> > <DIV class=parent id=NULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999-ms__id4
> > title=Products xmlns:fo=\"http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Format\"; type=
> > \"parent\" IsTaskType=\"False\" Category=\"Portfolio\"xmlsrc=
> > \"deeptree-xmlsrcNULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999\" NodeId=
> > \"NULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999\" ParentNodeId=\"\">\r\n
> > <DIV class=treetrigger id=trigger-NULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999-ms__id4
> > style=\"ZOOM: 1\" type=\"ptrigger\" NodeId=
> > \"NULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999\" ParentNodeId=\"\" hastooltip=\"true\">
> > <SPAN style=\"PADDING-RIGHT: 5px! important\"><IMG onmouseup=
> > \"this.style.marginTop='2px'\" class=treeExpandCollapse id=img-toggle-
> > NULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999-ms__id4 style=\"MARGIN-TOP: 2px\" alt=\"\"
> > src=\"http://sagile.serena.com/Agile/serena/widget/_resources/plus.gif
> > \" type=\"toggle\" NodeId=\"NULL*Po*Portfolio*41*-99999\"  
> > ParentNodeId=
> > \"\"></SPAN>"
> > What I need to do is "click" the + signimage(plus.gif).  After that,
> > the folder that is revealed can be found.
> > I've tried .div, .span and .link with :id, :text, :xpath, :title,
> > and :src without finding thisimage.
> > Errors are like...
> > irb(main):139:0> web_browser.div(:xpath,"//img
> > [...@src='plus.gif']/../").flash
> > Watir::Exception::UnknownObjectException: Unable to locate element,
> > using :xpath, "//i...@src='plus.gif']/../"
> >        from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/
> > element.rb:52:in `assert_exists'
> >        from c:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/watir-1.6.2/lib/watir/
> > element.rb:239:in `flash'
> >        from (irb):139
> > Please provide some suggestions how I can reach thisimageelement.
> > Thanks.
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