
       $ie.text_field(:name, "PolicyNumber").set($record
['PolicyNumber'])   #error occured here

If you are trying to put a value in a text_field, you need to use
value, so your line would look something like this:

       $ie.text_field(:name, "PolicyNumber").value = ($record


On Apr 1, 7:06 am, Shweta <> wrote:
> Hi
> Am getting error in the line where i put the comment has #error
> occured here
> require 'win32ole'
> require 'watir'
> require 'Xls'
> xlFile ='C:\irma1.xls') #grab the data file in the same
> dirrectory
> myData = xlFile.getRowRecords('Inspection Search Data','Search')
> #pull data records  from excel
> xlFile.close
> myData.each do |record|
> def searchinspections()
>        $, "http://searchrecord/
>        $ie.button(:name, "clearCriteriaBtn").click
>        $, 2).set
>        $ie.text_field(:name, "PolicyNumber").set($record
> ['PolicyNumber'])   #error occured here
>        $ie.button(:name, "submitBtn").click
>        if $ie.contains_text(record['ContainsText'])
>         puts "Results of search: '#{record['PolicyNumber']}' contains
> '#{record['ContainsText']}'"
>        else
>        puts "Error: could not find text: '#{record['ContainsText']}'
> in results of search: '#{record['PolicyNumber']}'"
>        end
>        sleep 3
>        return $ie
>        $ie.close
>        end
> end
> and am calling in other test as
> require 'win32ole'
> require 'watir'
> require 'Login_irma'
> require 'test/unit/assertions'
> require 'watir/assertions'
> require 'SearchInspection'
> $ie = login("mtedfhhh","password")
> $ie = searchinspections()
> Can anyone suggest whats wrong here
> On Apr 1, 2:41 pm, Shweta <> wrote:
> > Hi
> > Am trying to parameterizing my test cases am getting some error,am not
> > understanding where am wrong i have gone thru the posts regarding this
> > i dint get any idea,Can anyone pls let me know whats wrong here
> > My code:
> > require 'watir'
> > require 'watir/testcase'
> > require 'watir/assertions'
> > require 'test/unit'
> >  require 'LogIn'
> > begin
> >     xlFile ='C:\\MA.xls')
> >     $Policynumber = xlFile.getColumnRecords('B4:C6', 'Ponumber')
> >     setupInfo = xlFile.getHash('A1:B4', 'Setup')
> >     $runTests = xlFile.getHash('A13:B27', 'Setup')
> > ensure
> >     xlFile.close
> > end
> > $test_site = setupInfo['URL']
> > $UserName = setupInfo['Username']
> > $UserPass = setupInfo['Password']
> > #get today's date for use in scripts
> > $today = "#{}/#{}/#
> > {}"
> > # open the IE browser
> > $ie =
> > $ie.speed = :fast
> > #  go to the selected MA site
> > $ie.goto($test_site)
> > class TestSuite < Test::Unit::TestCase
> >     include Watir::Assertions
> >     #login with the supplied producer username and password
> >     def test_00Login
> >         if $runTests['login'] == 'Yes'
> >             if $ie.text.include?('Inspection Search Results')
> >                 login($Username, $Password)
> >             else
> >                 puts 'The user was already logged in when the
> > application was opened.'
> >             end
> >         else
> >             puts ' '
> >             puts 'You chose not to run the user login test.'
> >         end
> >     end
> >     #Search records
> >     def Searchrecord_ponumber
> >     myData.each do |record|
> >    $, "http://www.searchrecord/";).click
> >    $ie.button(:name, "clearCriteriaBtn").click
> >    $, 2).set
> >    $ie.text_field(:name, "policyNumber").set(record['PoNumber'])
> >    $ie.button(:name, "submitBtn").click
> >    if $ie.contains_text(record['ContainsText'])
> >     puts "Results of search: '#{record['PoNumber']}' contains '#{record
> > ['ContainsText']}'"
> >    else
> >     puts "Error: could not find text: '#{record['ContainsText']}' in
> > results of search: '#{record['PoNumber']}'"
> >    end
> >    sleep 3
> >    #~ ie.close
> >    end
> >     end
> > end
> > Error message:
> > Testrun.rb:37:
> > ./Xls.rb:226:in `getWorksheet': getWorksheet(sheet=Setup) --> Sheet
> > 'Setup' COULD NOT BE FOUND (RuntimeError)
> >         from ./Xls.rb:193:in `getRange'
> >         from ./Xls.rb:104:in `get2DArray'
> >         from ./Xls.rb:145:in `getHash'
> > undefined method `close' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
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