Hi George,
I appreciate the plugs for the book from Paul and Chris (and it's the
contributions from them and other folks like them that make the book

Does your team do any regression testing? If so, and if you don't have these
tests automated, who is doing the manual regression tests?

What has worked for me in the past is to get support from the team
coach/manager that the whole team should be responsible for quality and
testing. When it's time to do manual regression testing, the entire team
participates. Since you will have more and more regression tests as you
deliver more and more new functionality, it will soon become obvious to
everyone why automating these tests would be really helpful.

In my experience, it takes a commitment from everyone on the development
team, not only the testers, to deliver high-quality software. Programmers
don't want to deliver a crummy product either. If you can get everyone
talking about this, identifying pain points and how to mitigate them, you
may find support for automation efforts.

What language is your app under test written in? As much as I like Watir,
you might get better buy-in if you get the whole team to agree on the most
appropriate automation tools for your situation. While the Java programmers
on my team went along with using Watir, and they all bought the PickAxe book
so they could help with the scripts, they've never been as sold on it as
they have on other tools we use such as FitNesse where they can write the
automation fixtures in Java.

Be patient and take baby steps. Try to get the whole team engaged in an
automation effort. I highly recommend _Fearless Change_ by Rising and Manns,
it has really helpful patterns on how to introduce changes such as this.
-- Lisa

On Mon, Apr 6, 2009 at 10:54 AM, George <george.sand...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Right now, I'm creating simple regression tests that we can run after
> every patch/version update.  And, you're right - there isn't much of a
> chance of these tests failing.  We're automating this because it's
> boring to do manually.
> As far as the quick win, I have already completed quite a few scripts
> for a couple of our web apps.  My manager has actually been great as
> far as being an advocate.  The challenge for me as a beginner is that
> I'm constantly seeing ways I can refactor the code to make it better,
> or add functionality (such as writing the results to an Excel file),
> so I may be working a little too long on these.  Perhaps with the
> introduction of the Watircraft framework, the process of writing
> scripts can be a little more streamlined.
> Truth be told, I actually don't mind the unpaid overtime.  Learning
> Ruby/Watir is a lot of fun and it doesn't even seem like work to me.
> It's just unfortunate that official work time can't be alloted to this
> effort.
> On Apr 5, 5:11 pm, Chuck van der Linden <sqa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I've run into both.  I've seen orgs where the mandate 'automate
> > everything' came down and everyone had to become a SDET (software
> > development engineer in test) or find other work somewhere else.
> > I've also seen places that having been burned by automation snake oil
> > (see stuff by james bach for good examples of this) and there was a
> > strong mindset of 'automation doesn't work'
> >
> > I my mind it's just a tool, a powerful tool if used wisely, but an
> > expensive and frustrating one if not used properly.   In terms of
> > tools, if manual testing is a drill, then automation is a hammer.
> > while it might be possible to somehow use one to do the job of the
> > other, it's not generally the best idea.
> >
> > It seems to me that you are in a trap.  You've been given a task but
> > not empowered to complete the task.  That's frankly not fair to you,
> > as you are being setup in a situation where you have to work basically
> > unpaid overtime or fail in your goals.
> >
> > One potential way out is to get yourself a quick win, demonstrate some
> > success with automation (and learn the time it takes you to do it) and
> > then demand that they either give you the time or remove the task,
> > since you are in a no-win situation otherwise.
> >
> > Testing automation works best IMHO in one of the following situations
> >
> > 1) same test repeated frequently  e.g daily unit tests, build
> > validation tests, acceptance tests (if you are using them as a way to
> > track progress and show what's working and what's not instead of just
> > at the end)
> > 2) same test repeated with different data:  e.g. combinatorial testing
> > (like testing the word 'font settings' ui), or testing an input field
> > with a large number of 'valid' vs 'invalid' values to see that they
> > are all properly accepted or rejected.
> > 3) not humanly feasable or possible (loadtesting, performance testing)
> > 4) Utiities to save time (does it take 2 hours to setup your test env
> > and load it with data?  automate it) or improve testing process (is
> > the environment setup complicated with ots of settings that need to be
> > set the same way to allow test results to be replicated?)
> > 5) regression suites which are boring as hell to execute manually over
> > and over..
> >
> > One problem is that many of these rarely find bugs after the test is
> > first written. and since a tester's goal is generaly to find bugs,
> > that can be a problem.
> >
> > If I'm looking for a quick win, I want something that can benefit the
> > entire team, so something like a useful utility script (if you've a
> > need for one) or a BVT type test to save people from wasting time with
> > bad buids, might be your best bet..  The tests of type 3 are often
> > complicated to setup and may require a speciaized environment to run
> > them, so that wouldn't be my first choice, OTOH managers LOVE graphs
> > and numbers so something that reports on the product performance and
> > can be run on each build might be a way to gain some good visibility.
> >
> > What is it you are assigned to do in terms of scripting?  can you find
> > something in there you believe might represent a potential 'quick win'
> > and/or  proof-of-concept?
> >
> > On Apr 4, 11:14 am, George <george.sand...@gmail.com> wrote:
> >
> > > It seems that I've been encountering more people within my workplace
> > > (and, alas, even within my own QA team!) that are not sold on test
> > > automation. From what I've learned so far, there seems that automation
> > > will never cover 100% of what needs to be tested, but this doesn't
> > > negate the need.
> >
> > > Another frustration is that I've been tasked to write automation
> > > scripts as part of my year-end goals. However, I haven't been assigned
> > > hours in my work week to do them! All of my script development has
> > > been after-hours and weekends (notice I'm posting this on a
> > > Saturday!).
> >
> > > Has anyone else run into naysayers?  How can I convince the decision-
> > > makers that this is a worthwhile effort?
> >

Lisa Crispin
Co-author with Janet Gregory, _Agile Testing: A Practical Guide for Testers
and Agile Teams_ (Addison-Wesley 2009)

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