1) have you worked through the watir tutorial?  that might be a good
place to start.

2) have you looked at the object in question with something like
firebug or IE developer toolbar to see if it's still part of a table,
and not changed to perhaps just be in a div or perhaps a frame
instead?  Maybe it's just a link now and much easier to get to?

3) what is the error you are getting?  that will tell you (and us) a
lot more about how it's failing.

On Apr 9, 12:15 pm, cboudreau <carlboudreau...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Al,
> your sample didn't work.
> I uncommented the  #ff.cell(:xpath, "//td[contains( text,
> 'New')]/").click
> I can log in with firewatir, but not get firewatir to click new to
> open the email editor in Yahoo.
> On Apr 9, 1:55 pm, Al Snow <jas...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > Carl,
> > This works for me (after you put your login and password ;).
> > require 'firewatir'
> > include FireWatir
> > ff=Firefox.new
> > ff.goto("http://mail.yahoo.com";)
> > ff.text_field( :name,"login" ).set("<PUT LOGIN HERE>" )
> > ff.text_field( :name,"passwd" ).set("<PUT PASSWORD HERE>" )
> > ff.button(:value, "Sign In").click
> > #ff.cell(:xpath, "//td[contains( text, 'New')]/").click
> > ff.link(:text, "Sign Out").click
> > ff.close
> > Thanks,
> > Al Snow
> > Linkedin:http://www.linkedin.com/in/alsnow
> > Google Talk: jasnow1
> > Twitter: jasnow
> > > Date: Thu, 9 Apr 2009 11:32:56 -0700
> > > Subject: [wtr-general] Re: Yahoo mail, creating a new email message.
> > > From: carlboudreau...@gmail.com
> > > To: watir-general@googlegroups.com
> > > I am new to this Watir, and having some difficulty figuring this out.
> > > I thought I would be starting something easy, by logging into Yahoo
> > > and then creating a new email. However I can not get the Xpath line to
> > > work.
> > > #Include the FireWatir file.
> > > require 'firewatir'
> > > #include the FireWatir Module.
> > > include FireWatir
> > > ff=Firefox.new
> > > #Open yahoo mail.
> > > ff.goto("http://mail. yahoo.com")
> > > #Put your user name.
> > > ff.text_field( :name,"login" ).set("username" )
> > > #Put your password.
> > > ff.text_field( :name,"passwd" ).set("password" )
> > > #Click Sign In button.
> > > ff.button(:value, "Sign In").click
> > > # Locate the table cell element on the page.
> > > ff.cell(:xpath, "//td[contains( text, 'New')]/").click
> > > #Click Sign Out button.
> > > #ff.link(:text, "Sign Out").click
> > > #Close the browser.
> > > #ff.close
> > _________________________________________________________________
> > Rediscover Hotmail®: Get e-mail storage that grows with 
> > you.http://windowslive.com/RediscoverHotmail?ocid=TXT_TAGLM_WL_HM_Redisco...Hide
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