FYI...Right now, I'm working on windows XP SP3 with Firefox 3.0.8 and
jssh 0.9 on a dell laptop. I also need to get this to work on Vista SP1
and Mac OS 10.5. 


My thread got hijacked L Can we go back to the original problem? As of
right now, I cannot use firewatir at all because of this problem...



In firebug, I can do 


var results = document.evaluate("//*[name()='vgtile' and
@label='Hulu']", document, null, XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,

if (results.snapshotLength >= 1)







and it works every time. But in firewatir, if I do 


xpath="//*[name()='vgtile' and @label='Hulu']"

query = "browser=window.getBrowser(); document.evaluate(\"#{xpath}\",
document, null, 7, null).snapshotLength;"



I get zero every time. Any ideas?  I also tried opening a direct
connection to jssh using putty and sending 


e' and @label='Hulu']", document, null, 7, null).snapshotLength;


and I get back 0 (zero). So this is looking more and more like a jssh
problem.  Is there a jssh forum? 




PS. The 7 is the value of XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE since
XPathResult does not seem to be defined in jssh. 


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