oh indeed..  I was jumping to an unwarranted conclusion based on some
prior user's issues with this same sample code.

looks like you are properly identifying the flash object..

not sure why the click method would not be defined.  I've seen that in
some instances where the browser object has gone away, but given what
I see if your code that doesn't seem likely.

I think you might need to seek assistance directly with the folks
developing flashwatir..

On Apr 15, 6:07 pm, Fish <hhfish...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> hi linden, thank you for your help, but it doesn't work, I think the
> id means
> <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
> codebase="http://fpdownload.macromedia.com/pub/shockwave/cabs/flash/
> swflash.cab#version=8,0,0,0" width="100" height="100" id="clickcolors"
> align="middle">
> you can find from the console output that the "percentage_loaded " is
> 100, so I think the watir have recognized the flash object.
> my current question is about this error:
> D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/flash_watir-1.1.0/lib/flash_watir/
> flash.rb:91:in
> `execute': Unable to execute the method on flash document
> ['clickcolors'].click()
> ; (NoMethodError)
> very appreciate your help
> On Apr 16, 4:11 am, Chuck van der Linden <sqa...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > this doesn't require flash experience.  you just need to understand
> > the basics of how watir identifies objects..  the code is telling it
> > to look for an object with the id value of 'clickcolors' which was
> > just an example ID in the code.  The error is telling you that there's
> > nothing on the page with that ID
> > to make that code work you are likely to have to modify it a bit,
> > starting with figuring out how to identify the flash element you are
> > trying to interact with, and changing the code accordingly.
> > Use the IE developer toolbar to examine the page and figure out a good
> > way to identify the embedded flash.
> > Unless I'm misreading the page, you should find that for the page you
> > gave, you'll need to use :name  and 'coloredSquare'
> > Since flashwatir is built on watir, I STRONGLY recommend you go
> > through the tutorials for Watir, that will teach you the basics of the
> > tool, before you start trying to work with not only a html page, but
> > one with flash on it.
> > On Apr 15, 3:41 am, Fish <hhfish...@hotmail.com> wrote:
> > > Hi, I just go through the google code of watir flash and try to use
> > > the example code.
> > > when I use the URL 
> > > ofhttp://www.geocities.com/paulocaroli/flash/colors.html
> > > the error says can not find the id with "clickcolors"
> > > after that I use the 'file:///E:/ruby/flash/changingcolors/
> > > changingcolors/colors.html'
> > > the error says
> > > D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/flash_watir-1.1.0/lib/flash_watir/
> > > flash.rb:91:in
> > > `execute': Unable to execute the method on flash document
> > > ['clickcolors'].click()
> > > ; (NoMethodError)
> > > the example code:
> > > # include the controller
> > > require 'flash_watir'
> > > include FireWatir
> > > # create an instance of the controller
> > > browser = Firefox.new
> > > # go to the flash page you want to test
> > > browser.goto('file:///E:/ruby/flash/changingcolors/changingcolors/
> > > colors.html')
> > > # call the default methods available in flash
> > > percentage_loaded = browser.flash(:id, "clickcolors").percent_loaded
> > > puts percentage_loaded
> > > # call the methods you have exposed on the flash application
> > > browser.flash(:id, "clickcolors").click
> > > rectangle_color = browser.flash(:id, "clickcolors").getColor
> > > puts rectangle_color
> > > ==========================
> > > the console output:
> > > E:\ruby\script>1.rb
> > > 100
> > > D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/flash_watir-1.1.0/lib/flash_watir/
> > > flash.rb:91:in
> > > `execute': Unable to execute the method on flash document
> > > ['clickcolors'].click()
> > > ; (NoMethodError)
> > >         from D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/flash_watir-1.1.0/lib/
> > > flash_watir/fl
> > > ash.rb:82:in `process_request'
> > >         from D:/ruby/lib/ruby/gems/1.8/gems/flash_watir-1.1.0/lib/
> > > flash_watir/fl
> > > ash.rb:77:in `method_missing'
> > >         from E:/ruby/script/1.rb:13
> > > Is there anyone who have experience in flash?
> > > Thanks a lot in advance- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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