
Asking the obvious, if you don't want the code to run, why not remove  
it or comment it out? I'm not entirely sure what you are after, so a  
general response which I hope may still be useful.

Firstly, the protected code block has the structure:

        [rescue [error_type,..]

In this, the "end" statement ends the block. It does not stop the  
program running. In this case, the end statement after your puts  
'please login..' line closes the begin block.

To stop the program / script running, call the 'exit' method.

Alternatively, if you want to build in behaviour around the lack of a  
browser, you could always use an if-block:

if browser
  # do stuff when you have a browser
  # do stuff when you have no browser (browser = nil)


On 26 Apr 2009, at 07:01, «°¤§ømåtïçCðrp§ë¤°» wrote:

> I'm running a script, which has a rescue clause, but I want it to
> (essentially) break, when the rescue clause is invoked.
> Instead, it runs to the next line:
> C:\Documents and Settings\Marissa\Desktop>ruby T3.rb
> What is the user's First Name?
> Test
> What is the user's Last Name?
> Test
> ALERT: You must have a running instance of SVC open!
> Please log into SVC and restart Sevin. Exiting: Code1.
> T3.rb:18: undefined method `frame' for nil:NilClass (NoMethodError)
> To state the obvious: The frame it's looking for is not going to be
> there, so I don't even want it to go there.
> [Code]
> require 'watir'
> puts "What is the user's First Name?"
> Fname = gets.chomp #Removes return (recognized as new line command)
> character '\n'
> puts "What is the user's Last Name?"
> Lname = gets.chomp #Removes return (recognized as new line command)
> character '\n'
> begin
>  @browser = Watir::IE.attach(:url, 'https://
>    rescue Watir::Exception::NoMatchingWindowFoundException
>      puts "ALERT: You must have a running instance of SVC open!"
>      @browser1 =
>      @browser1.goto('
>      puts "Please log into SVC and restart Sevin. Exiting: Code1."
>    end
>  @browser.frame(:id, 'detail').button(:id, 'X8').click
>  #Insert company name and user
>  @browser.frame(:id, 'detail').text_field(:id, 'X7').set("BAXTER")
>  @browser.frame(:id, 'detail').text_field(:id, 'X78').set(Fname)
>  @browser.frame(:id, 'detail').text_field(:id, 'X80').set(Lname)
> [/Code]
> If I put a 'break' in the rescue clause, it doesn't seem to like it,
> and 'end' really doesn't "end", as you can see.
> So, is there a way I can ditch the script, if the rescue is invoked,
> or will I just have to deal with it going on to the next line?
> Thanks!
> >

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