You're calling send_keys on the string in .set. Try this instead:

$IE0.frame(:index, 11).frame(:index, 7).text_field(:id,

$IE0.frame(:index, 11).frame(:index, 7).text_field(:id,

Charley Baker
Lead Developer, Watir,
QA Architect, Gap Inc Direct

On Wed, Apr 29, 2009 at 9:38 AM, deralex <>wrote:

> Hi,
> i am actually getting into watir and i really like it.
> But i am missing sending keystrokes to IE text field in a frame.
> Case:
> We have quick search function e.g. adding a name to a field "test"
> then the db is search for all ppl. with "test" in the name. After this
> i go a list displayed with a ppl. with "test" in surname and i can
> select those via pressing down and after this pressing enter to
> confirm the user.
> So i need to add "test" to the search field then wait for the result.
> It will be displayed but i have to keep the focus in the search field,
> otherwise the search result will be lost and no selection possible.
> I found:
>  send_keys(key_string)
> Send key events to IE window. See
> for complete documentation on keys supported and syntax.
> I can put text into the serach field e.g.
> $IE0.frame(:index, 11).frame(:index, 7).text_field(:id,
> 'dataEntryField_40870').set(testtext)
> =OK
> but i want adding this text and right after it pressing {DOWN} then
> i try:
> 1.)
> $IE0.frame(:index, 11).frame(:index, 7).text_field(:id,
> 'dataEntryField_40870').set(testtext).send_keys("{ENTER}")
> tests_script_in_actual_ie_window.rb:31: undefined method `send_keys'
> for "":String (NoMethodError)
> >Exit code: 1
> = not working
> Can someone help me please?
> >

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