Do you feel the problem is the ability to identfy the page element
itself, or figuring out what event it's listening for?

Who makes Ext ??  have you tried asking them how you might do this? or
looked into the Ext code itself to see what events it might be looking
for?  (it seems almost like they are defining their own that they are
calling 'rowselect' but I'm not sure there's a way to fire that as an
event.. (probably some other event is causing it to happen?)

On May 12, 12:41 pm, mirth <> wrote:
> hi guys,
> I'm trying to use watir to write automation test for a ext based web
> app. one of our pages is using treegrid in a dialog.
> The js code is like:
> sm: new Ext.grid.RowSelectionModel({
>                 singleSelect: true,
>                 moveEditorOnEnter: false,
>                 listeners: {
>                     rowselect: function(sm, rowIndex, record){
>                         .....                        }
>                     }
>                 }
>             }),
> I'm trying to use watir script to select a row in the grid. I tried
> using all kind of elements like div, span, table etc with actions like
> click, fire_event('onclick'), fire_event('onmousedown') etc. There's
> no rowselect action available. I was not able to select a row using
> watir script!
> Does anyone here know the solution to select a row in treegrid in a
> dialog? Suggestions are really appreciated!!!
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