Did you try the basic (HTML) view as well?

It should be much easier to parse and interact with Watir.


2009/5/26 tknv <rreedd...@gmail.com>:
> hi et,.al.
> I'd like to open gmail message for test sending password is collect or
> not.
> That's why need to open message to see message body.
> Then I try that code below.
> ie = IE.attach(:url ,'http://mail.google.com/mail/?shva=1#inbox')
> canvas_frame = ie.frame(:id, 'canvas_frame')
> after above try below
> canvas_frame.span(:text, 'MymessageName').click
> but not works,watir click it,but not open message.(just MymessageName
> was yellow highlighten)
> and also try below.72 is MymessageName span index.
> canvas_frame.span(:index, 72).click
> and also try below
> canvas_frame.span(:index, 72).text.click
> This is error,not works
> How can I open?
> Thanks
> >

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