Hey orde,

You are right. There is an object tag associated with it and that button is a 
Flash implementation.

I have come across that we have flash supported extension for watir flashwatir. 
Just was wondering if its useable. 
Or is there an alternative solution like using some windowsole api to handle 


From: orde <ohil...@gmail.com>
To: Watir General <watir-general@googlegroups.com>
Sent: Thursday, 18 June, 2009 1:33:32
Subject: [wtr-general] Re: Automating a File uploader popup

Hi Natasha (and all)--

This might be OT, but I'll throw it out there because you mentioned
flash a couple of times in this thread.

Is there an <object> tag associated with the page element that you're
trying to access?  If you right-click on the page element using
Firefox, do you see an overlay about "About Adobe Flash Player"?

If so, my understanding is that out-of-the-box watir doesn't support
flash, so the above solutions won't necessarily work.

Hope that helps...


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