Thanks for the "help", but believe it or not I did think of a google
search. It is probably out there, but so far I have been unable to
find an easy way to just run a ruby script in cruise control's build
file (i.e. without creating extra files, like a rake file [or am I
required to have a rake file, even if its only to call one script?
These are questions google hasn't answered, for me at least],
installing a new build system, etc...). Merging the results is no
problem, but I'm just having trouble finding the best way to simply
run the test script. I'm sure the answer is incredibly simple and I'll
smack my forehead for not realizing it sooner, but I just haven't
found it yet.

I understand that some people don't bother with the basics before
crying for help, and I understand that its not your job to go
gallivanting around the internet finding me answers, but I wasn't
asking that of you, all I was doing was asking a simple question:
"Does anyone know...?". Not "Go find me the answer!", nor was it a cry
for help, just a question. Your answer to that question was no, so why
not leave it at that? No need to add snarkyness to it.

On Jul 10, 12:20 pm, Chuck van der Linden <> wrote:
> On Jul 9, 10:58 am, Dylan <> wrote:
> > Does anyone know of a good tutorial/step-by-step instructions for how
> > to integrate watir/ruby into a cruise control build cycle. I have 1
> > xml output file (from ci_reporter) and I want my script to run after
> > the build and then integrate the xml results into the cruise control
> > output. Thanks!
> > -Dylan
> Did you try a web search?
> looks like some good stuff to be found from people who have done this
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