I'm trying to automate a script that will read the FireFox
about:config page. To do this I want to put text into the filter
textbox, search for it then search the page for a specific string if
it's there put a pass if not put a fail and run it to a spread sheet.
The problem I am having is I'm being told that the textbox is read
only. I can manually type in the textbox and search for values I just
can't seem to do it using Firewatir. Has anyone else had any
experience with this?

Here is my code so far.

require 'firewatir'
include FireWatir
ff.text_field(:id, 'textbox').set 'browser.chrome.favicons'

The error returned for me is

`assert_not_readonly': Textfield id and textbox is read only.
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