Put your begin and rescue inside the loop and remove the retry.

Charley Baker
blog: http://blog.charleybaker.org/
Lead Developer, Watir, http://wtr.rubyforge.org
QA Architect, Gap Inc Direct

On Mon, Jul 27, 2009 at 5:24 AM, Satya <satyajit.prad...@gmail.com> wrote:

> I am writing a script to check links on a specific page. I am getting
> the list of pages(URL’s) from an excel file. The issue that I am
> facing is once the loop starts and an exception is encountered the
> execution stops, so I have put a ‘retry’ in the exception section. But
> the issue is it again starts the whole loop execution.
> Eg. In the excel file I have stored 5 URL’s to test and exception is
> encountered at 3 URL then the loop starts from the 1 URL again.
> I want it to start from 4th URL of the excel file (not from 3rd since
> I know there is some issue as the expectation was raised)
> =========
> The script that I have written:
> xlFile = XLS.new("C:/LinkChecker/Data/BusinessUnits.xls")
> CreateBU = xlFile.getRowRecords('create_bu','create_bu')
> $ie = IE.new
> $ie.goto("url to my application")
> Login($username,$pwd)
>      begin
>          CreateBU.each do |record|
>                  i =0
>                $ie.goto(record['BUName'])
>                links = Array.new
>                $ie.links.each do |link|
>                            $ie.goto(link.href)
>                            if(i > 0)
>                              $ie.goto(record['BUName'])
>                              puts i
>                            end
>                            i = i + 1
>                        end
>                      sleep(5)
>                    end
>          end
>      rescue Exception => msg
>                puts("The exception is " + msg)
>                retry
>      ensure
>                close_resultFile($result)
>                xlFile.close
>      end
> >

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