Thanks a lot Tiffany for your reply, I tried other things too  too
like dialog.button('Cancel').click , click_no_wait and I tried Auto it
etc but of no use. I am working on in further, will get back to you if
I find something useful.
By the way do you think that the script that I have posted above is
incorrect or I need to modify it.


On Aug 25, 8:30 pm, tcfodor <> wrote:
> Hi Namit,
> You may have already looked here, but the bulk of the knowledge on
> Watir and popups can be found here:
> Off the top of my head, it seems like there were cases where we needed
> to use click_no_wait instead of just click to avoid hanging.
> Hope this helps!
> -Tiffany
> On Aug 25, 7:05 am, Namit <> wrote:
> > Hi All,
> > My scenario is to click a image that results in a pop up. I want to
> > click OK button of this Pop up. This is a straight scenario without
> > much complexity still the script is not working and the pop up remains
> > as it is.
> > Here is my sample script
> >    require 'watir'
> >    require 'win32ole'
> >    require 'watir/ie'
> >    require 'watir\contrib\enabled_popup'
> > $ie =
> > $ie.goto 'some url/'
> > $ie.button(:src, '
> > spacer.gif').click
> > sleep 10
> >    if $ie.enabled_popup
> >   puts 'inside if loop'
> > hwnd =$ie.enabled_popup(10)
> > puts hwnd
> > w =
> > w.makeWindowActive(hwnd)
> > w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd(hwnd,"OK")
> > end
> > This script after clicking the image hangs and after this there is no
> > action performed. The pop is a simple pop up with an OK button.
> > Guys please tell me where I am going wrong. Any help will be highly
> > appreciated
> > Thanks
> > Namit
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