HTML SelectList elements have two 'parameters' as it were for each
item on the list.  a text lable that is displayed to the user, and an
underlying 'value' that is returned in the HTTP request when that list
item is selected.

I think you are confusing the two.

Try looking at the actual HTML for the selection list and you'll see
both the text 'label' of the list item, and the displayed value.

To select the n'th element in the list use

(:index, n)

potentially you might have to use n-1  I'm told that  firewatir uses
'zero based' index counting, where Watir is 'one based', but I don't
know if this is one of those cases where watir and firewatir are still
different or not.

On Aug 26, 5:35 pm, Doodle <> wrote:
> Thanks for your response, Chuck.
> I tried clearing the selection first, and that didn't seem to make a
> difference. The changing of the dropdown box does in fact trigger a
> postback:
> onchange=javascript:setTimeout('__doPostBack
> (\'FacsimileSearchControl1$FromDateDropdownlist\',\'\')', 0)
> I am afraid I'm a bit out of my element in understanding this part. I
> tried adding the sleep commands in as well, and that didn't help
> either. The thing that confuses me is that, when you manually open the
> site (which, btw, is a public site for looking at detailed reports
> about banks), the dropdown list is populated with dates, such as
> "06/31/2009". Yet, when I load up the options of the dropdown into an
> array and put that out, the array contains these values:
> 91
> 111
> 98
> 106
> 101
> 99
> 116
> 32
> 72
> 84
> 77
> 76
> 79
> I assume these values somehow drive the javascript which populates the
> dropdown. But I have not figured out a way to simply get at the nth
> element in the dropdown.
> Do you have any ideas? I really appreciate the help!
> On Aug 24, 11:41 am, Chuck van der Linden <> wrote:
> > Try clearing the current selection, before selecting another value in
> > the selection list.
> > Also since picking the radio button causes the page to re-render (or
> > is it a postback?), you might need to put in a small wait for a second
> > or two after doing that to give the browser a chance to do it's thing
> > before you start populating the search field and ripping through the
> > from-dates
> > The same goes for after firing the onchange, that initiates some kind
> > of re-render or postback (I'd have to be running fiddler to see if
> > it's actually hitting the server) and you might need a allow a little
> > time for that to take place.
> > Have you tried using an IRB session to walk through this manually so
> > you can see what steps are working and what steps are not working?
> > (you'd probably want to omit the loops, but otoh you could use
> > something like
> >    puts dropdate.options
> > to see if it's able to get the list of options for the select list
> > you never really indicated what happens when you run the code above
> > (and given the site involved, I'm NOT going to try it for myself ;-)
> > are you getting some kind or error at any point, or is the site just
> > not reacting to the onchange, or what?
> > On Aug 21, 2:40 pm, Doodle <> wrote:
> > > Hi everyone, I'm loving Watir so far but running into a wall with a
> > > certain site. The site uses javascript/ to control a drop down
> > > list. I have gone crazy trying different things to use select_list,
> > > but nothing seems to work. I just want to be able to select the nth
> > > element in a dropdown list, but if I look for certain text it won't
> > > work, and if I grab the contents and try to set it that way it also
> > > doesn't work. I suspect it has to do with using javascript and the
> > > fire_event function, but this does not seem to be very well
> > > documented.
> > > Also, I am a novice ruby code so any tips or feedback in terms of the
> > > general coding style would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
> > > Here is a copy of the code I'm using, presented below the line.
> > > 'C:\BankData\failedbankcertcodes.txt' is a txt file containing just
> > > these lines:
> > > 26870
> > > 26535
> > > 28344
> > > 27011
> > > 33901
> > > 34194
> > > 34881
> > > 23556
> > > 22574
> > > 18659
> > > 34043
> > > 32069
> > > 34341
> > > 27367
> > > 23124
> > > 35469
> > > _____________________________________________________________
> > > require 'firewatir'
> > > require 'rubygems'
> > > require 'ftools'
> > > include FireWatir
> > >
> > > certlist='C:\BankData\failedbankcertcodes.txt'
> > > File.readlines(certlist).each do |line|
> > > urlstring ="";
> > > ff.goto(urlstring)
> > >, "FacsimileSearchControl1:identifierRButton").set
> > > ff.select_list(:name,"FacsimileSearchControl1:uniqueIDDropdown").select
> > > ("FDIC Certificate Number")
> > > ff.text_field(:name, "FacsimileSearchControl1:uniqueIDTextBox").set
> > > line
> > > datedrop=ff.select_list
> > > (:name,"FacsimileSearchControl1:FromDateDropdownlist")
> > > reportdates=datedrop.options()
> > > for i in 0..reportdates.size
> > > datedrop.set reportdates[i]
> > > datedrop.fire_event("onchange")
> > > ff.button(:name, "tabStrip:_ctl2").click
> > > begin
> > > ff.button(:name,
> > > "SearchResultsControl1:CallReportDataGrid:_ctl0:_ctl4:MyButton").click
> > >, "FacsimileDownloadControl1:formatButtonList").set
> > > "SDF"
> > > ff.button
> > > (:name,"FacsimileDownloadControl1:downloadTabStrip:_ctl2").click
> > > rescue
> > > puts reportdates[i]
> > > end
> > > end
> > > end- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -
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