Please let me know if you have any new results.

On Nov 16, 10:00 am, Shlomit Gazit <> wrote:
> Pallavi, Angrez hello,
> Thank you for the replies.
> I was trying your suggestion:
> $ff.startClicker("ok")
> $ff.startClicker("ok")
> $ff.image(:name, /elete/).click
> But it still didn't close thepopup.
> I am able to do it with watir like this:
>{system("rubyw myClicker.rb")}
> $ie.image(:name, /elete/).click
> { system("rubyw myClicker.rb")}
> and I have a file: myClicker.rb with the code:
> $LOAD_PATH.unshift File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..') if $0 ==
> __FILE__
> require 'watir/WindowHelper'
> $helper =
> $helper.push_confirm_button_ok()
> It is not always clicking the popups so sometimes I have to click on
> either of the popups manually, and the test is waiting for the click.
> But basically it is not breaking the test.
> On Nov 16, 4:06 am, Angrez Singh <> wrote:
> > It might work, because both of them will be looking for the pop up to close.
> > When you click the delete button pop up will come, not sure which thread
> > will close the pop up. Butsecondone will closesecondpop up if you are
> > using Auto IT.
> > In Firewatir the concept is bit different, I don't use AutoIT to close the
> > pop up to make it cross-platform. So if you are on Windows you can use
> > AutoIt in two different threads and tell them to close the pop ups.
> > - Angrez
> > On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 5:24 PM, Pallavi Sharma 
> > <>wrote:
> > > Can't you start two start clickers at once? Will they both try to access
> > > the first pop up and if found close it?
> > > So  what i am suggesting is this:
> > > ff.startClicker("ok")
> > > $ff.startClicker("ok")
> > > $ff.image(:name, /elete/).click
> > > Wont this work Angrez?
> > > I had a similar situation for IE, and i used the Auto IT script to handle
> > >popupby calling them in separate threads but both invoked at the same
> > > time.
> > > --
> > > Pallavi.
> > > On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 3:17 PM, Angrez Singh <> wrote:
> > >> It would be bit tricky to handle thesecondpop up. I'll try here at my
> > >> end and if possible will come up with some solution, but as of now it 
> > >> might
> > >> not be possible.
> > >> Thanks,
> > >> Angrez
> > >> On Mon, Nov 16, 2009 at 1:14 PM, Shlomit Gazit 
> > >> <>wrote:
> > >>> Anybody??
> > >>> On Nov 13, 4:43 pm, Shlomit Gazit <> wrote:
> > >>> > Hello,
> > >>> > I am trying to handlepopupswithfirewatir.
> > >>> > My scenario is clicking on delete button, apopupconfirmation will
> > >>> > open and I should click "ok".  After that asecondpopupwill open and
> > >>> > I should write the reason and click "ok".
> > >>> > So far I was able to click on the delete button and thesecondpopup
> > >>> > will appear but not closed (the firstpopupis not appearing, but I
> > >>> > assume it is by design).
> > >>> > How can I close thesecondpopup?
> > >>> > Myfirewatircode is:
> > >>> > $ff.startClicker("ok")
> > >>> > $ff.image(:name, /elete/).click
> > >>> > $ff.startClicker("ok")
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