Why is it invalid? How is the div made invisible? If you look at watir/
contrib/visible.rb, then it checks against css style visibility:
hidden or display: none. Is one of these in use?


On Nov 30, 10:39 pm, QAguy <qablogm...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I have this piece of code on a page I am trying to script against.
> <div style="" id="encoding_success" class="encoding_complete">
> <p>
> <strong>Done!</strong>
> <a id="video_url_link" href="/video/show/4e9dd3b81c1cc3">Go to your
> video<img src="/images/pixel.gif?1246941735" class="icon
> double_arrow_icon" alt="Pixel"/></a>
> </p>
> </div>
> This div always exists, but it not always VISIBLE on the page. I want
> to create a wait until this element is visible on the page but not
> sure how to do this?
> Was thinking something like this but doesn't seem to work:
> Watir::Waiter::wait_until { @browser.div(:class,
> 'encoding_complete').visible? == true} but it doesn't work as I think
> the use of visible here is invalid. Hoping someone help me.
> Thanks
> QAguy

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