One thing you might try, in order to track things down, would be to
try running your tests with with Watir 1.6.2.

If you do this, you should manually install firewatir 1.6.2 also (gem
install firewatir -v 1.6.2). And then uninstall any newer watir gems
(if any).


On Dec 1, 2:41 pm, DerekW <> wrote:
> To further clarify:
> My colleague's machine: Windows XP, Ruby 1.8.2-14, Watir 1.5.6 and IE
> 8 -> test works.
> The other test machines: Windows 7 Enterprise, Ruby 1.8.6-26, Watir
> 1.6.5 and IE 8 -> test does not work.
> So, potentially it could be Windows or Watir issue.  Unfortuantely, I
> haven't tried the old Ruby/Watir against Windows 7 configuration to
> eliminate the OS yet.
> Derek W.
> On Dec 1, 6:30 pm, DerekW <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > here's a scenario that seems to work in Watir 1.5.6 but seems to
> > exhibit problems under 1.6.5:
> > Our web application opens the main browser window and subsequently two
> > other browser windows, the third browser window attaches an event
> > handler that intercepts the close window (X) button.  If the third
> > window's browser state is "dirty" and the user clicks close window
> > (rather than the "OK" and "Cancel") buttons on the browser page it
> > raises a Javascript popup asking whether the user wants to navigate
> > away from this browser window.  When we ran our automated tests using
> > Watir 1.5.6 this test was able to navigate past the popup raised when
> > the user attempted to click the close button.  On Watir 1.6.5 we've
> > noticed that we hang when the popup is hit.
> > Anyone know of a nice way of handling this or whether what I observe
> > is a bug or change in the behaviour of Watir 1.6.5 - my colleague's
> > machine still has Ruby 1.8.2-14, Watir 1.5.6 and IE 8 and the test
> > case works fine.
> > Thanks for any help.
> > Derek W.
> > PS - Having said this my experience of Watir 1.6.5 has been pretty
> > positive so far.

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