Question, with the not tested code:

If I was to test against one application or browser i.e. google and
then search in both IE and FF would I need to specify the code twice.

Could I state:

Open IE
Open FF

Check Page Title
Text Box Place "Test"
Click Search


All of the above would be one set of code not duplicating the code

On Jan 5, 9:30 am, tester86 <> wrote:
> Hi
> Or would you like to do something like this (not tested)?
> > [,].each do |browser|
> >   browser.goto ""
> >   browser.goto ""
> > end
> > The above code will go to google and yahoo first in IE, and then in FF
> --Yes I would like something like that. Has this been tested or is
> there any good documentation?
> Thanks
> On Jan 5, 8:29 am, Željko Filipin <>
> wrote:
> > On Tue, Jan 5, 2010 at 3:21 PM, tester86 <> wrote:
> > > My question is would I have to write two sets of code
> > > one for ie and one for ff in order to run my script against both
> > > browsers.
> > I am not sure what you mean by this. Would this work for you?
> > ie =
> > ie.goto ""
> > ff =
> > ff.goto ""
> > ie.goto ""
> > ff.goto "
> > Or would you like to do something like this (not tested)?
> > [,].each do |browser|
> >   browser.goto ""
> >   browser.goto ""
> > end
> > The above code will go to google and yahoo first in IE, and then in FF.
> > Željko
> > --
> > - community manager
> > - host- Hide quoted text -
> - Show quoted text -

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