Note that the iexplore process is created, I can see iexplore
processes getting created from the task manager - but I think the
"link" is not made with it... here is part of my code just in case you

require 'rubygems'

def valid_User?(user)

   ie.visible = false
   ie.speed = :zippy

   ,,, some code which is never reached...

On Jan 13, 10:32 pm, Darcoli <> wrote:
> Hi
> I need to use ie.new_process ... but I also need to run ruby as a
> service (since I am using ruby/rails actually and want to have the
> webserver as a service). However when I call new_process, and ruby is
> a service, I get a method not found error.
> Is there any workaround for this?
> I need this for a school assignment which needs to do automatic
> logins, on users behalf, on other websites  anyway check it 
> (currently I am not running ruby as a service
> because of the problem I mentioned)
> Thanks
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