You can use the command for TAB & ENTER to focus in run or save button of u r warning window and get it clicked

Sent from my iPhone

On 26 Jan 2010, at 20:57, orde <> wrote:

I have previously used solution 2 on
for downloading files.

You'd have to tweak it (e.g. for starters, change "File Download" to
"File Download - Security Warning"; change "&Save" to "&Run"), but it
should get you going in the right direction.

Hope it helps.


On Jan 25, 4:30 pm, capri <> wrote:
I replaced click with click_no_wait in my code..doesn't seem to work..
just stalls at this point and doesnt proceed further to click the
'Run' button of the file download - security warning window.  any
thoughts on this?

many thanks..

On Jan 23, 6:19 am, Arihan <> wrote:

Pls use clicknowait method .. It would work ..

Sent from my iPhone

On 22 Jan 2010, at 22:53, capri <> wrote:


I tried the below code to identify "file download -security warning" message using autoit in my watir script. However it does not seem to
work.  I am trying to click the 'Run' button of this window. On
running the script, it gets struck and doesn't show any errors. Any
thoughts,inputs would be highly appreciated.

many thanks.

require 'watir'
require 'rubygems'
require 'win32ole' # to invoke Autoit controls'AutoItX3.Control')

ie.goto "";,/return InstallHelper.clickedDownload()/).click

r=autoit.WinExists("File Download - Security Warning")
puts r

res=autoit.WinWait("File Download - Security Warning",'',3)
puts  res
res=autoit.WinActivate("File Download - Security Warning")
puts res
res=ie.autoit.ControlFocus("File Download - Security Warning","",
res=ie.autoit.ControlClick("File Download - Security
puts res
puts "\n"

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