
If you know which elements are likely to be missing, you could add a
verification that the element exists, which would trigger a failure if
it's missing and then add a conditional to act on it.  A Test::Unit
example would be:

verify((ie.link(:text, 'My Link').exists?), message='My Link didn't
exist on the page.')
if ie.link(:text, 'My Link').exists?
  ie.link(:text, 'My Link').click

If there are many element that are likely to be missing, you may want
to consider adding some good exception handling.  There's a discussion


Hope this helps!


On Feb 4, 9:55 am, tester86 <sagar.am...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi
> Question for the watir group. When I run my test sometimes it fails if
> it cannot find an element or input field. Is there a way that when
> this occurs it can log that failure and continue running the tests and
> not stop. Is there any Watir commands that I can put in place at
> points in my script to cope with failures?
> I am using the ruby logger to output all my result into a text file.

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