Alright, I was going to run the unit tests for Watir 1.6, but I keep getting
an unusual error. I don't understand it. I do understand what is failing.
I'm looking into it more, but so far I haven't gotten anywhere. It has been
a loooong time since I ran the Watir unit tests, and so maybe something is
wrong in my process. So here is what I have done:

   1. Install the Watir and associated gems
   2. Change to the Watir gem directory (on my
   system C:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\watir-1.6.5)
   3. Run .\unittests\all_tests.rb

And the result in PowerShell is:

`require': no such file to load -- unittests/setup/lib (LoadError)
`<top (required)>'

I have also tried running from inside of the unittests directory, and I get
the same error. Now realizing that the error actually might have something
to do with paths, I noticed that I don't have a setup or setup/lib folder in
the folder structure under the unittests folder. What I have is this:

PS C:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\watir-1.6.5> ls


Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
d----          2/9/2010  11:01 AM            bin
d----          2/9/2010  11:01 AM            lib
d----          2/9/2010  11:01 AM            unittests
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM      15666 CHANGES

and under unittests I have:

PS C:\Ruby19\lib\ruby\gems\1.9.1\gems\watir-1.6.5\unittests> ls


Mode                LastWriteTime     Length Name
----                -------------     ------ ----
d----          2/9/2010  11:01 AM            html
d----          2/9/2010  11:01 AM            other
d----          2/9/2010  11:01 AM            windows
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        158 all_tests.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       3255 buttons_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       7044 checkbox_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       5680 checkbox_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        372 core_tests.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        738 css_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1770 defer_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       2123 dialog_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        842 div2_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       7953 div_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       4980 div_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        649 errorchecker_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1087 filefield_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1061 filefield_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       9871 form_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       8758 form_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       5509 frame_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        370 google_form_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        688 ie_exists_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1172 ie_mock.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1324 ie_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       6409 images_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       3852 images_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1443 links_multi_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       6860 links_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1242 links_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        818 lists_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       3333 map_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        664 minmax_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1258 navigate_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        372 nbsp_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        279 non_core_tests.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1697 pagecontainstext_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1423 parent_child_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        703 perf_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1102 popups_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1600 pre_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       8247 radios_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       4589 radios_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        819 security_setting_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       6113 selectbox_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       5801 selectbox_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       2061 setup.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1722 speed_settings_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1539 table_cell_using_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM      12436 table_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       3780 table_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        198 test_tests.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       3253 textarea_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       5132 textarea_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       9510 textfields_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       6523 textfields_xpath_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM       1047 textfield_for_ch_char_test.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        190 window_tests.rb
-a---          2/9/2010  11:01 AM        221 xpath_tests.rb

Any advice? Or is this a defect?


Nathan Lane

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