Hi Angrez,

We have a scenario wherein we need to confirm the presence of a
particular text string on a page.

String as it appears on screen =
New Delhi to Mumbai

Html =
<b>New Delhi</b> to <b>Mumbai</b>

String returned by .text in Watir =
New Delhi to Mumbai

String returned by .text in FiewWatir =
New Delhi
to Mumbai

Due to this difference in the behaviour of .text, my validation fails
everytime I try doing a ff.text.include? "New Delhi to Mumbai" in

There is a Jira ticket already open with regard to the .text method
for FireWatir. Could you please let us know if this newline is being
introduced due to the presence of formatting tags and if so is it
limited to Formatting tags only?

Thanks in advance,
Betsy Joy

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