Basically I have this method:

@pid = Process.create(
          :app_name       => 'ruby clicker.rb',
          :creation_flags  => Process::DETACHED_PROCESS
          at_exit{ Process.kill(9,@pid) }

which I think creating this process, but somehow at_exit is not

On Mar 15, 11:07 am, Shlomit Gazit <> wrote:
> Hello,
> Thank you.
> Where would you recommend to put this code?
> On Mar 15, 2:48 am, rakesh swain <> wrote:
> > Hi,
> > Execute the following. The process can be identified and terminated.
> > require 'win32ole'
> > require 'win32/process'
> >            wmi = WIN32OLE.connect("winmgmts://")
> >            processes = wmi.ExecQuery("select * from Win32_process")
> >            for process in processes do
> >               if process.Name.include? "rubyw.exe" then
> >                  puts "Name: #{process.Name}"
> >                  #~ puts "Process ID: #{process.Pid}"
> >                  puts process.Terminate
> >                  puts "Finished Checking Processess and killing any process
> > Leakage"
> >                 elsif process.Name.include? "anyotherprocess.exe" then
> >                  #~ puts "Name: #{process.Name}"
> >                  #~ puts "Process ID: #{process.Pid}"
> >                  #~ puts process.Terminate
> >               end

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