Thanks everyone. Its done . I found the solution in the microsoft site. No
need to spend time on this.


On Thu, Apr 15, 2010 at 2:59 PM, arihan sinha

> Hi,
> In my application I've changed the setting so that the powerpoint would be
> opened without file download prompt.
> Now I need to focus on that already opened powerpoint and do some testing
> through ruby.( say  count the no of slides)
> earlier i was saving the powerpoint ( clicking the save button from that
> file download prompt) and opening the same ppt as
>  ppt ='PowerPoint.Application')
>         ppt.Visible = true
>        * **doc = ppt.Presentations.Open('C:\Documents and
> Settings\sinhaa\My Documents\JHEPAT_2010_VOL51_PG845.ppt')*
>         slidecount = doc.Slides.Count
> puts slidecount
> but the problem happend that when the remote system ( build server) is
> locked or minimised then it stuck in the file download prompt because it was
> not sending the key stroke.
> So after setting changed the ppt already opened so  i should be able to
> directly count the slides on that ppt by focusing or activating the same
> ppt.
> i tried with below code but it seems not working. any thoughts???
> $ie.goto("
> ")
>  $, "Download to PowerPoint").click
> ###The ppt gets opened automatically as a separate ppt file without file
> download prompt because settings changed.
> ppt ='PowerPoint.Application')
>  ppt.Visible = true
>  slidecount = * ppt.Presentations*.Slides.Count
> puts slidecount
> Regards
> Arihan

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