Yes, it is working so-and-so, because sometimes IE shows just a status
message of "Done" with an "yellow exclamation mark" like it is doing
with JavaScript errors. It means that during the loading of the page
the "Error" message is shown but when loading has finished then IE
sets it's status to normal and only then the check itself is performed
with Watir's error_checkers.

I've also tried to use win32ole events on DWebBrowserEvents2, but for
some reason at some point everything will block. But i have it on my
todo list to investigate more into matter. If it would be possible to
make it work with these events then it would be more fool-proof :)

I would also use the "real" url for my blog -


On Jul 29, 7:27 pm, Adam Reed <> wrote:
> Well, the easiest method would be to discover the JS error content
> manually, and disable the options in your browser for stopping on
> errors, and/or displaying the contents of JS errors during browsing.
> Automation isn't always the best solution.
> Otherwise, Jarmo has a great function for discovering and taking
> screenshots of JS errors on his blog/github:
> On Jul 29, 9:48 am, carmen3lia <> wrote:
> > The application has  a few JS errors and when I run the script, it is
> > stopped because the erors, How I can catch the errors and the script
> > can follow executing. I'm using Internet Explorer 7 and 8

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