The problem is that the provided link points to a "non-specific-
version" of Watir and is for some reason defaulting to 1.6.6 (you can
see it from the page itself). I'm not sure what's the exact reason
since i don't know all the quirks of, but you can see 1.6.7
docs by specifying the version:

But since Watir::Wait and Watir::ElementExtensions is common code used
in Watir and FireWatir then you ought to look into commonwatir
documentation instead:

But long story short - you can use Wait module's methods directly on
the module itself, e.g.:
Watir::Wait.until {true}

And you can use ElementExtension methods on the Watir::Element
browser.button(:id => "some_id")

And you can use WaitHelper methods on the browser instance object:
browser.wait_until {true}

Anyone up for writing a proper wiki page for these features?

Jarmo Pertman
IT does really matter -

On Nov 25, 12:52 am, dt_nz <> wrote:
> Hi, I cant find the rdoc for Watir::Wait and
> Watir::ElementExtensions.  Can someone tell me how to generate it or
> where it is located locally in the ruby directories.
> Željko Filipin has also mentioned in another thread that its not found
> in

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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