We too have a lot of JavaScript, and the trick to get it all to work
was to use watir-webdriver which fires the events properly for MooTools
and Jquery to work. Watir was very unsuccessful on this front, and
Firewatir was so-so. 

On Wed, 1 Dec 2010 05:23:54 -0800 (PST),
the_zonker wrote: 

> Hi guys,
> my customers ask me to investigate
the possibilities of using Watir
> for test automation.
> It's assumed
that future service site will have a lot of Jquery
> elements.
> So I
try to use Watir for their handling on some Jquery element
> examples
and faced with the problem for the foolowing Menu bar (please
> observe
section "Example"):
http://onehackoranother.com/projects/jquery/droppy/# [1]
> I 'm
trying to navigate through Menu in the following way:
> 1. Click on "Top
level 2"
> 2. On mouse over "Sub 2 - 2"
> 3. On mouse over "Sub 2 - 2 -
> I'm stopped on step 2. I tried to open sub menu "Sub 2 - 2" in
> ways:
> irb(main):029:0> ie.link(:text,/Sub 2 -
> => nil
> irb(main):030:0>
ie.link(:text,/Sub 2 - 2/).fireEvent("onmousedown")
> => nil
irb(main):031:0> ie.link(:text,/Sub 2 - 2/).fireEvent("onclick")
> =>
> irb(main):032:0> ie.link(:text,/Sub 2 - 2/).click
> => 0.025997

> But non of them does it.
> Please, help me.


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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