It should be working if you're using newer version of Watir than 1.6.5
or just use the simplest way to avoid popups at all without any need
to use #click_no_wait as described at


On Jan 10, 11:16 am, Preethi <> wrote:
> There seems to be a ticket
> where it is mentioned that click_no_wait just flashes the button but
> doesn't click that!
> Is that still open? if Yes , what is the alternative for that?
> I'm desperately looking for some solution so that I can move ahead.
> Thanks
> Preethi.
> On Jan 10, 9:09 am, Preethi <> wrote:
> > Dave,
> > Thanks for the response.
> > This is the javascript snippet which is called and produces alert
> > function validateFields(){
> > var sid=document.forms(1).ScheduleID.value;
> > sid=Trim(sid);
> > if(sid=="")
> > {
> > alert("scheduleID cant be Empty");
> > document.forms(1).ScheduleID.focus();
> > return false;}
> > else if(validateID(sid)==false){
> > alert("Oops! A Schedule with the same name already exists!");
> > document.forms(1).ScheduleID.focus();
> > return false;}
> > .....
> > .....
> > ......<code continues>
> > and I use IE Version 7.
> > Let me know if you can reproduce the issue or you need more info.
> > PS: Somewhere in a forum, it is said that click_no_wait doesn't work
> > with any version of ruby other than ruby 1.8.6-26. Is that true?
> > because I have version 1.8.6-p398.
> > Thanks
> > Preethi
> > On Jan 6, 12:41 pm, Dave McNulla <> wrote:
> > > Do you have sample html code (from the web application under test)
> > > that people can try out? If you could please treat this like a bug
> > > report, you would be sure to put a way for everybody to reproduce the
> > > problem.
> > > You might also show the version of IE you are using.
> > > Thanks,
> > > Dave
> > > On Jan 5, 9:57 pm, Preethi <> wrote:
> > > > Is this problem with Wait time which is less. I've searched everywhere
> > > > in the group for similar post and didn't find any.
> > > > Please help.
> > > > On Jan 6, 10:39 am, Preethi <> wrote:
> > > > > Hello Watir Experts!
> > > > > I'm experincing some problems following solutions given 
> > > > > in
> > > > > When i use Click => the code stops execution there
> > > > > So i usedClick_no_waitso that code proceeds further.
> > > > > But the problem here is that , When i useClick_no_waitmy browser
> > > > > doesn't show a popup at all and the startClicker method waits till
> > > > > wait time and produces exception
> > > > > I dont know where I'm wrong
> > > > > Please help me am struck.
> > > > > Below is code snippet
> > > > > ================
> > > > > buttonCreateSave.click_no_wait  #produces javascript alert box
> > > > > startClicker("OK",7,nil)
> > > > > my startClicker method is as follows
> > > > > ==========================
> > > > > def startClicker( button , waitTime= 9, user_input=nil )
> > > > >   hwnd = $ie.enabled_popup(waitTime)
> > > > >   if (hwnd)  # yes there is a popup
> > > > >     w =
> > > > >     if ( user_input )
> > > > >       w.setTextValueForFileNameField( hwnd, "#{user_input}" )
> > > > >     end
> > > > >       w.clickWindowsButton_hwnd( hwnd, "#{button}" )
> > > > >       w=nil
> > > > >   end
> > > > > end- Hide quoted text -
> > > - Show quoted text -- Hide quoted text -
> > - Show quoted text -

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