Yes as others have pointed out, theres no watir in anythng you
provided, what you have are questions regarding how to use ruby..

a few small tips in terms of (at least from what I've seen) are the
ruby way of doing some of the code you have

if nu=region
 This is asking if "setting nu equal to region" is true.. it will
always be true
 instead you want to use:
if nu==region

style wise,
Instead of  :
  rowcount = worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
  for j in 1..rowcount
    {some code using j}

use: |j|
    {some code using j }

Instead of :
  num =worksheet.Cells(j, 1).value
  if nu=region
    puts worksheet.Cells(j, 2).value

  puts worksheet.Cells(j, 2).value  if worksheet.Cells(j,
1).value.to_i == region

On Feb 22, 7:52 pm, keneda 45 <> wrote:
> Hello,
> it's my file Excel :
> 10      "Limousin"
> 11      "Lorraine"
> 12      "Midi-Pyrénées"
> 13      "Nord-Pas de Calais"
> 14      "Basse Normandie"
> 15      "Haute Normandie"
> 16      Pays de la loire
> 17      "Picardie"
> 18      "Poitou-Charentes"
> 19      "Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur"
> 20      "Rhone-Alpes"
> 21      "Corse"
> 22      "Outre Mer et Etranger"
> and it's my script :
> require 'watir'
> require 'win32ole'
> puts "Choisir Region
> 10=Limousin
> 11=Lorraine
> 12=Midi-Pyrenees
> 13=Nord-Pas de Calais
> 14=Basse Normandie
> 15=Haute Normandie
> 16=Pays de la loire
> 17=Picardie
> 18=Poitou-Charentes
> 19=Provence-Alpes-Cote d'Azur
> 20=Rhone-Alpes
> 21=Corse
> 22=Outre Mer et Etranger
> ?"
> region=gets # I ask to enter a number between 10 to 22
> excel = WIN32OLE::new('excel.Application')
> excel.DisplayAlerts = false
> excel.Visible = 1
> workbook = excel.Workbooks.Open('C:\Ruby191\rv.xls')
> for i in 1 .. workbook.Worksheets.Count
>   worksheet = workbook.Worksheets(i)
>    rowcount = worksheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count
>   for j in 1..rowcount
> num =worksheet.Cells(j, 1).value
> nu=num.round(0)
> if nu=region
> puts worksheet.Cells(j, 2).value
> end
> end
> end
> with that script it array all worksheet.Cells(j, 2).value, I don't
> know how to array only worksheet.Cells(j, 2).value where nu=region
> Do you have an idea?
> thx

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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