On Mar 3, 3:52 pm, Jari Bakken <jari.bak...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Thu, Mar 3, 2011 at 2:12 PM, Usman Hussain <usmanhhuss...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > Hi Guys,
> > Im doing a test at the moment where when I enter in something into the
> > url it brings up a Javascript pop up.
> > Now  I do not want to turn the pop up function off by writing some
> > Javascript and then using @b.execute_script etc...
> > What I would LIKE to do is to somehow interact with the javascript pop
> > up and click on the button to close it.
> > Is there any way i can do it using the Watir or Webdriver Api or
> > something?
> > The pop up is an ALERT box.
> > I am using a MAC
> > I am using Watir-Webdriver with Cucumber
> > Ruby v1.8.7
> > any more info please shout.
> > Any help would be awesome.
> There are two ways to do this:
> 1. Use watir-webdriver's execute_script hacks:
>   require 'watir-webdriver/extensions/alert'
>   browser.alert do
>     # perform action that triggers alert
>   end
> Seehttps://github.com/jarib/watir-webdriver/blob/master/spec/alert_spec.rb
> for more examples.
> 2. Use WebDriver's alert handling API directly (currently Firefox-only
> and considered experimental)
>   # perform action that triggers alert
>   browser.driver.switch_to.alert.accept
> More examples of this 
> herehttp://code.google.com/p/selenium/source/browse/trunk/rb/spec/integra...
> Jari

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