
You're almost there.

I use Xls.rb as well and to check for blank rows, I usually use
something like this:

myData.each do |record|
  if record['WHERE'] != ''
    ie.frame(:name, "main").text_field(:name,
    ie.frame(:name, "main").text_field(:name,

This will skip rows where the 'WHERE' column is blank.

I can't tell how many rows you're importing from your code, so if
you're not already, you may want to limit the number of rows you're
importing from Excel.  I usually bring back about 5-10 rows past where
my data ends so that if I add a couple more rows, I won't have to
change the import range from Excel.  You don't want to bring back all
the rows in the spreadsheet or your framework will need to check each.

Hope this helps!


On Apr 15, 4:09 pm, mdwin01 <mdwi...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi-
> Could someone help me figure out how to skip over blank Excel rows
> (where the first item in the array is "" or length=0) and continue to
> the next row?  I use xls.rb 
> (http://wiki.openqa.org/display/WTR/Excel+interface+class
> ) to read Excel workbook cells that each contain a formula, where
> everything defaults to "" or zero length blank.
> Here's a sample xls (note how second to the last row appears blank):
> Import
> Account1        Apple
> Account3        Orange
> Here's a snippet of my code:
> require 'xls'
> require 'rubygems'
> require 'watir'
> ie = Watir::IE.attach(:url, 'http://www.blah.com) #reuse existing
> browser window
> #Open Excel file, Import worksheet
> xlFile = XLS.new('C:\MyFile.xls') #grab the data file
> myData = xlFile.getRowRecords('Import','Import')  #pull data records
> from Excel
> xlFile.close
> myData.each do |record|
>   #need something that says if record['WHERE'] = "" or 0 length then
> skip to next row
>   ie.frame(:name, "main").text_field(:name,
> 'account').set(record['WHERE'])
>   ie.frame(:name, "main").text_field(:name,
> 'item').set(record['WHAT'])
> end

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you ask, be nice.


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