Using text_area.value = string rather than text_area.set string has
saved a significant amount of time for my scripts in massive-data-
entry scenarios.

On Apr 21, 10:14 am, Jari Bakken <> wrote:
> On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 5:07 PM, the_zonker <> wrote:
> > Environment:
> > watir-webdriver 2.0.0
> > Ruby 1.9.2
> > Firefox 3.6, IE8
> It's a good practice to always try the latest released version before
> reporting issues. watir-webdriver is currently at 0.2.2.
> > I faced with a problem - I need to put a content of XML file into text
> > area.
> > The content  is quite long and the process of filling is extremely
> > slow.
> > This slowness of filling causes a timeout error:
> How long is the string? WebDriver simulates native key presses on some
> platforms (like Windows), which may be slow.
> > For putting value into text area I use:
> >  text_area.set(value)
> > Are there any other ways to fill in text area more quick?
> > I tried Javascript via execute_script method but JavaScript cannot
> > handle XML content (probably because of quotes) as a valid element
> > value.
> Using execute_script should work. If you could provide an example
> string where it doesn't work, I could probably help you out. Another
> approach is to do what a user would do: paste in the XML from the
> clipboard. If you have the XML content on the clipboard, you should be
> able to do that by sending Control-V:
>   text_area.send_keys [:control, 'v']
> Jari
> PS. The full list of keys you can send can be found 
> here:

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