On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 7:15 PM, orde <ohil...@gmail.com> wrote:
> You should able to accomplish it through either .fire_event
> or .send_keys methods.  Examples:
> fire_event: 
> http://rdoc.info/gems/watir/1.8.1/Watir/Element#fire_event-instance_method
> send_keys: 
> http://rdoc.info/gems/watir/1.8.1/Watir/IE#send_keys-instance_method
> But I think that send_keys only works with IE.  Hope it helps.

As a side note, WebDriver tries very hard to avoid the user having to
do things like fire_event() by instead doing the clicking and key
presses as native, OS-level events whenever possible. I've seen
existing Watir scripts that use fire_event heavily break when ported
because WebDriver actual does a proper click, and the fire_event calls
in the code makes the event fire twice.

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you ask, be nice.


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