Thanks for watir  !

On Wednesday, April 27, 2011 10:47:56 PM UTC+3, Charley Baker wrote:
> Wow, 1000 checkboxes, that's UX abuse in the extreme. I'm not sure what 
> you're suggesting 

1000 checkboxes - only for demonstration, and 5 seconds -  it's very 
impressive for me ;)
but even clear/set 100 checkboxes take 25 secods.

in my case i has page with about 100 checkboxes on page, a lot of tables, 
texts, etc (compex system with a lot of notifications, several 'sections' on 
and i should split my test for this page for several different (absoultely 
same code with different data section)
it was a LONGEST test in my 'suite', all rest test take seconds for 
execution, but this was minutes.

now i understand how to optimze this test (use elements for extracting 
elements id), but it was big surptise for me ...

i uderstand that it's not a big deal at general,
as i uderstand, locator for :index each time traverse over tree and create a 
lot of objects
statistics for my page, script

require 'watir'  
$ie = Watir::IE.attach(:url,/chk_test/)

locator.rb:159           element =, @specifiers, nil)
was called 6495 times/1.6 second ....

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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