From what I remember (I did some QTP a couple of years back)...
HP QTP is visual basic based. I don't believe it would understand Watir directly and as far as I'm aware there is no plug-in that would support it. You might be able to call your existing scripts from QTP but I think that's the best you could do.

HP Quality Center basicaly manages requirement/test/defect information. I believe there is an existing API set that would allow you to write/update info in Quality Center as it relates to your tests (pass/fail/etc.) using an existing (non-QTP) automation infrastructure. I don't think you'd be able to run non-QTP scripts directly through Quality Center, however. You'd probably have to use some kind of Visual Basic wrapper to do that.

On May 4, 2011 3:09pm, Chuck van der Linden <> wrote:
what exactly do you mean by integrate? a bit more info on just what

you would hope to accomplish might be useful.

On May 3, 5:30 am, mayank> wrote:

> Hi,


> We have been using Watir for quite sometime now , now we want to

> integrate the same to either to HP QTP or to HP quality Center

> v11(ALM).

> IS the same possible .IF so kindly let us know the steps for the same .


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