On Wed, May 25, 2011 at 12:20 PM, the_zonker <the.zonk...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi guys,
> First of all my environment:
> watir-webdriver 0.2.3
> A Web application I testing has parameters which are sent to server
> during page load.
> It causes "Retry" confirmation dialog in IE and "Resend"in FF when I
> refresh any page of the application.
> Is there any way to handle this pop up which is stopping my scripts?
> I tried to send "Enter" key directly to Watir::Browser instance but it
> didn't help.
> All webdriver actions are stopped after appearing of them.
> It seems that this modal dialog is on the Browser's top level and
> Webdriver cannot handle it.
> But I hope that there is way to workaround it.
> Please, help.
> I appreciate any effort.
> Regards, Vadim

Are these JavaScript alerts (i.e. using the
window.{alert,confirm,prompt} functions)? If so you can work around it
by using the alerts extension:



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