Hi Green,

 Are your sure that after clicking "btnAdd" button manually you go to the
next page?

Thanks & Regards,
Ankur Gera

On Mon, Jun 20, 2011 at 6:08 AM, Green Yin <green...@gmail.com> wrote:

> My web application uses the updatepanel control. See my watir scripts:
> {
> ie = Watir::IE.start(url)
> ie.text_field(:id, "txtLogin").set("XXX")
> ie.text_field(:id, "txtPassword").set("xxx")
> # Without using updatepanel
> ie.button(:id, "btnLogin").click
> # Using updatepanel
> ie.button(:id, "btnAdd").click
> }
> It's no problem when clicking "Login" button, the page will go to the
> next page. After clicking "btnAdd" button, the page just refresh
> without going to next page. I was tried to use id, name and value of
> the button to click it, but it's the same result.
> Does anyone met the problem? Thanks!
> --
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you ask, be nice.


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