I spoke too soon, earlier.  It's not only B that it does not click. It also 
fails to click on E, G, I, J, and K, so far.  But the script flashes all 
these links without a problem.

I can't see any significant differences in the formatting of the HTML for 
the links that work versus the links that don't. Here's the HTML, with the 
encoded HREF strings shortened for ease of readibility:

Letter A (click works fine):
<a href="/fido/app?page=XSites&amp;service=external&amp;sp=<long string of 
encoded text...>" id="ExternalLink_0">A</a>

Letter B (click fails, flash works):
<a href="/fido/app?page=XSites&amp;service=external&amp;sp=<long string of 
encoded text...>" id="ExternalLink_1">B</a>

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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