
We're into frequent releases - just released Watir 1.9.2. Install it
with "gem install watir".

There are only IE changes this time, sorry FireWatir users:
* Bump RAutomation dependency version to 0.6.2 to:
 - fix/improve Watir::IE#send_keys.
 - fix Watir::IE loading for certain Windows XP environments
* Restored Watir::IE#autoit method to use RAutomation's AutoIt adapter
with a deprecation warning.
* Cache IE.version result to not access registry with each execution -
was causing slowness in TextField#set for example.
* Do not raise UnknownObjectException if parent element doesn't exist
when calling Element#exists?
* Element#flash highlights elements again

Thank you!


Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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