I have a test case where i need to do the following:
For Every row in a table X
    Expand Details of  that row (This is done by clicking a link, that
displays a div)
    1. Set Field One
    2. Set Field Two
    4. Set Field Three
    5. Set Field Four
    6. Set Field Five
    7. Click Save
    8. Hide the Details of that Row
    9. Validate that what I've set has saved.
    10. Move on to the next Row and repeat

I've tried doing the following:
  browser.table(:id, "table").each do |row|
    row.link(:text, "link").click

But I can't get it to click the link. And I'm stuck. I've searched
this forum and stack overflow and haven't found anything useful.

Before posting, please read http://watir.com/support. In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.


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