Hi all,

Having migrated to WATIR 2.0.1 from a really old 1.6.2 version, I'm
now in the process of updating all my tests.  All was going very well
until I got to changing an old command that waits until a button is

Here's what I used on my old Ruby1.8.6/Watir1.6.2 environment:

    Watir::Waiter::wait_until { browser.button(:id,
"btnFoo").enabled? }

... and (wrongly) assumed in my Watir2.0.1 environment that the new
wait_until method would work something like:

    browser.button(:id, btnFoo").wait_until_enabled

Does anyone have any suggestions on how to wait until a button becomes
enabled?  The button in question is always present; but only becomes
enabled (and ultimately selectable) after changing a parameter.



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