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On Mon, Aug 22, 2011 at 3:41 PM, JMI <> wrote:

> I am back from my hollidays and back to this performance problem.
> I used a debugger (Eclipse) and the profiler (require 'profile') and found
> out that the problem comes from the method assert_exists of the class
> Element (in element.rb):
> def assert_exists
>   locate if respond_to?(:locate)
>   unless ole_object
>     raise
>                 Watir::Exception.message_for_unable_to_locate(@how, @what))
> end
> The problem is that this method is called again and again by many methods,
> also by those called by assert_exists! As a result, for my simple example of
> 7 nested frames, this method was called 1536 times! The same elements were
> located again and again with exactly the same criteria (@how, @what and
> @container)! I modified the method assert_exists by adding four class
> variables that store the three location criteria and the OLE object found.
> Next time when the method assert_exists is called, the new criteria are
> compared with the previous ones. If they are the same, no need to 'locate'
> again, simply return the object found previously. After my modification, the
> method assert_exists is called only 17 times (always with my simple
> example), and the real location is done only 8 times (7 frames and one text
> field) - other 9 calls return the previously located objects. And everything
> takes less than 1 second (compared to 15 seconds before!).
> Here is the modified method:
>     def assert_exists
>       if respond_to?(:locate)
>         if (defined?(@@how) && defined?(@@what) && defined?(@@container) &&
> defined?(@@o) &&
>             @@how == @how && @@what == @what && @@container == @container)
>           # The element has already been located -> take the already
> located OLE object
>           @o = @@o
>         else
>           # Locate the element...
>           locate
>           # ...and save the information that served to locate it...
>           @@how = @how
>           @@what = @what
>           @@container = @container
>           # ...and also the located OLE object.
>           @@o = @o
>         end
>       end
>       unless ole_object
>         raise
>                 Watir::Exception.message_for_unable_to_locate(@how, @what))
>       end
>     end
> Question:
> As I am new to Watir (and Ruby), maybe I have ommited an important
> functionnality that may be broken by my modification.
> Is my modification safe?
> --
> Before posting, please read In short: search
> before you ask, be nice.

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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