I'm seeing an annoying issue that I suspect has to do with objects inside 
page frames and Selenium and Watir-Webdriver.

I brought up part of it already in this post: 

Here's a similar issue:

If I reference some text on a page like this:


...it will work fine.  I get the text I need, just as expected.

However, that's a nasty long bit of code and I don't want to have to use 
that string every time I need that page object. So I defined a method.

def site_id

Sadly, when I call the method in my scripts, I get...

*Selenium::WebDriver::Error::ObsoleteElementError: Element not found in the 
There's no way it's an obsolete element, because the class containing that 
method gets instantiated *immediately* before the method is called.

Is this a known issue?  Any ideas for a way around this that will allow me 
to continue to use my method instead of the explicit call to the object?

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you ask, be nice.


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