Hi Željko,

Thank you for getting me started.

I have developed the following code but I an still falling short of getting
the value property.

lists = $browser.div(:class,'add-themes').lis

lists.each do |li|

     puts chckbx = li.text



here is what I have for checkboxes

checkboxes = $browser.div(:class,'add-themes').checkbox

checkboxes.each do |checkbox|

      puts chckbxValue = checkbox.value


It errors out.

undefined method `each' for #<Watir::CheckBox:0x10d530f30>


from (irb):99


I can click on the label for the checkbox but I can't seem to retrieve those

On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 9:42 AM, Željko Filipin <
zeljko.fili...@wa-research.ch> wrote:

> On Wed, Oct 12, 2011 at 3:32 PM, Joe Fl <joeflec...@gmail.com> wrote:
> > I am trying to get the number of checkboxes within a window.
> browser.checkboxes.size
> returns:
> 1
> > I want
> > to get the value of each one without knowing which one I will be
> > using.
> browser.checkboxes.each {|checkbox| puts checkbox.value}
> output:
> 90
> > I would like to get the number of <li>
> b.lis.size
> returns:
> 8
> > and then loop through and get
> > the value which I need for later in my script.
> b.lis.each {|li| puts li.text.inspect}
> returns:
> "Ambulatory/ Outpatient Care"
> ""
> ""
> ""
> ""
> ""
> ""
> ""
> Željko
> --
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