No worries for the hijack..

I was responding to "I guess I'm wondering if you can
install Ruby and the watir-webdriver gems on an Ipad. "

which I didn't take to mean using an emulator.  (although I agree for
testing purposes, the emulator approach is most likely best. )

It would be interesting to figure out why the iphonedriver doesn't
work with watir-webdriver once it gets to the webpage.  (what webpage
is it going to?)

On Nov 21, 10:55 am, bis <> wrote:
> I think he meant running them against an iphone/ipad either device or
> simulator this can be done with iphonedriver. we actually messed
> around with trying to actually get watir-webdriver and the
> iphonedriver to work together but it seems that watir-webdriver can
> launch the browser and go to the webpage but it cant interact with any
> of the elements.
> sorry for the hijack
> On Mon, Nov 21, 2011 at 11:48 AM, Chuck van der Linden <> 
> wrote:
> > Well firstly you would need Ruby for the iPad, and I don't know if
> > such a beast exists, and if it does how good it is. ( Not owning an
> > iPad, I'm not interested enough to research this.. google is your
> > friend, have fun ;-) let us know if you find anything promising)
> > After that you'd likely need to run SafariWatir but I don't know if
> > the iPad safari is close enough to the Mac version to work with it.
> > as far as I know, nobody has tried this yet.
> > Watir would not work of course because it drives IE, and it will be a
> > pretty cold day in hell before apple & MS conspire to create an IE
> > browser for the iPad.
> > You Might (again depending on how good the ruby environment for the
> > iPad is) be able to use something like Watir-webdriver and run it
> > against Opera or Firefox, both of which I believe had iPad versions,
> > but I'm not sure how well that would work or if the webdriver drivers
> > for those browsers would work on the iPad.
> > (personally, given what a security sieve Safari is, if I had an iPad,
> > I think I'd take a hard look at Firefox or Opera as a browser on that
> > device anyway, so looking into at least part of that might be good for
> > you in terms of finding a good safe browser to surf with.)
> > Even presuming all that worked, I'm not sure the iPad's multitasking
> > capabilities (or lack thereof) are up to running all that stuff at the
> > same time.
> > As far as I understand it, people developing stuff to run on iPads
> > often use emulators to simulate the ipad, and most of their test tools
> > run on the host OS in parallel with the emulator software, I suspect
> > in large part due to multitasking restrictions on the iPad itself (at
> > least the initial generation)
> > On Nov 21, 6:07 am, Patrick <> wrote:
> >> Is it possible to take existing Watir scripts that run on a webbrowser
> >> and have them run on an Ipad?  I guess I'm wondering if you can
> >> install Ruby and the watir-webdriver gems on an Ipad.
> >> If anyone has successfully done this I'd love to hear about it.
> >> Thanks,
> >> Patrick
> > --
> > Before posting, please read In short: search 
> > before you ask, be nice.
> >
> >
> >

Before posting, please read In short: search before 
you ask, be nice.

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