Is this an example of the editor you are using?

If so you may need to deal with it by mostly using sendkeys to send
keystrokes to a given instance of H1 or P tag inside the main body..

Since this is a third party tool, you may also ask yourself how much
value you provide to your employer by testing code supplied by a third
party instead of focusing on other areas of the application

If your editor control has the 'source' button enabled that might make
it easier to deal with by clicking the span that contains that text
(it's not a button element, it just looks like one due to (I think) a
background image defined for the span)   on the demo page, switching
to 'source' mode replaces the wysiwyg editor with a text area control
that shows the actual HTML that was in the editor, which might be a
lot easier to set the contents of, then switch back.  (a valid way to
skin this cat since we presume the purpose here is to use the editor
to inject some known content into your system, not test the actual
editor )

On Dec 5, 7:01 am, Erna Tercero <> wrote:
> The code in the iframe looks like this:
> <iframe id="englishDescEditor" width="100%" height="450"
> style="border: none;" src="/html/js/editor/editor.jsp?
> p_l_id=10152&p_main_path=%2Fen%2Fc&doAsUserId=fYEBeUwab1o
> %3D&editorImpl=ckeditor&initMethod=getEnglishText&cssPath=%2Fhtml
> %2Fthemes%2Fcontrol_panel%2Fcss&cssClasses=portlet+"
> name="englishDescEditor">
> <html>
> <head>
> <body onpageshow="null;event.persisted &&
> <textarea id="CKEditor1" name="CKEditor1" style="visibility: hidden;
> display: none;"></textarea>
> <span id="cke_CKEditor1" class="cke_skin_kama cke_editor_CKEditor1"
> lang="en" aria-labelledby="cke_CKEditor1_arialbl" role="application"
> title=" " dir="ltr" onmousedown="return false;">
> <span id="cke_CKEditor1_arialbl" class="cke_voice_label">Rich Text
> Editor</span>
> <span class="cke_browser_gecko cke_browser_quirks"
> role="presentation">
> <span class="cke_wrapper cke_ltr" role="presentation">
> <table class="cke_editor" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" border="0"
> role="presentation">
> <tbody>
> <tr style="-moz-user-select: none;">
> <tr>
> <td id="cke_contents_CKEditor1" class="cke_contents"
> role="presentation" style="height:265px">
> <iframe frameborder="0" allowtransparency="true" tabindex="0"
> src="javascript:void(function(){}
> ())" style="width:100%;height:100%">
> <html dir="ltr">
> </iframe>
> </td>
> </tr>
> <tr style="-moz-user-select: none;">
> </tbody>
> </table>
> <style>
> </span>
> </span>
> </span>
> <script type="text/javascript">
> </body>
> </html>
> </iframe>
> *********** on the <html dir="ltr"> code it is in this way:
> html dir="ltr">
> <head>
> <body class="cke_show_borders" spellcheck="false">
> <p>
> <br type="_moz">
> </p>
> </body>
> </html>
> *******
> Manually, the text is save in the paragraph
> <p>
> <br type="_moz">
> </p>
> Thank you!!!
> On 5 dic, 06:08, Željko Filipin <> wrote:
> > On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 8:10 AM, Erna Tercero <> wrote:
> > > I have this element on a frame:
> > > HTML Document
> > > name=""
> > > id=""
> > > src=javascript:void(function(){
> > >
> > > %3B}())
> > And the element is? Text field?
> > Željko
> > --
> > - author

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you ask, be nice.

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